Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July

This weekend celebration always reminds me of the annual summer bike parade my childhood neighborhood held. We kids would spend the day washing our rides- bikes, trikes, big wheels, scooters and wagons. Then came the crate paper. We'd wrap our rides in miles of red, white and blue paper and pray it didn't rain (imagine puddles of soggy paper and tear stained faces! So sad!) We also decorated ourselves, red, white and blue shorts and halter tops, high pony tails with matching bows, white vinyl go-go boots -oh wait, maybe that was just me. Any way, we'd set off down the street and ride around the park with our streamers and pin wheels flying. I don't remember if there was a prize involved or if we even cared, but there was a pride that only a child could have felt of that moment when best friends and neighborhood bullies came together to celebrate our independence.Hope you enjoy this long weekend!

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